Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Announcements: Updates

I. N e w   E n t r i e s

1. Author Index

[Info] Abbas, Ali H. »A Critical Cognitive-Discourse Analysis of the Rohingya Crisis in the Press.« International Journal for the Semiotics of Law (March 30, 2024).

[Info] Davis, Andrew P., et al. »Safe at home? Examining the extension of criminal penalties for marital rape in cross-national context, 1979–2013.« Law & Society Review 58 (2024): 126-148.

[Info] Caspari, Peter, et al. Sexualisierte Gewalt in der Bremischen Evangelischen Kirche: Der Fall Abramzik. Eine Tiefenanalyse des Teilprojekts C des ForuM-Forschungsverbunds (Forschung zur Aufarbeitung von sexualisierter Gewalt und anderen Missbrauchsformen in der Evangelischen Kirche und Diakonie in Deutschland). Munich 2024.

[Info] Caspari, Peter, et al. Grenzenlose Orte: Sexualisierter Gewalt im Bund der Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder (BdP) 1976 bis 2006. Abschlussbericht. Munich 2024.

[Info] Cormier, Margaret. »Production as Criticism: Staging Wartime Rape in the Opera Canon.« Cambridge Opera Journal 35 (2023): 259–281.

[Info] de Morrée. Cécile. »Gender, Status, Space: An Intersectional Analysis of Sexual Violence in the Middle Dutch Play ‘Lanseloet van Denemerken’.« Dutch Crossing (December 3, 2023).

[Info] Dill, Helga, et al. Aufarbeitung vor Ort: Exemplarische Analyse eines Aufarbeitungsprozesses in einer Kirchengemeinde. Substudie im Rahmen des Forschungsverbundes ForuM. Abschlussbericht. Munich 2024.

[Info] dos Santos, Edmilson O. »Male rape in Brazil: A descriptive analysis from 2010 to 2022.« Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine (April 9, 2024).

[Info] Elliott, Dyan. »Sex Scandal and the Clergy: a medieval blueprint for disaster.« Why the Middle Ages Matter: Medieval Light on Modern Injustice London 2011: 90-105.

[Info] Elliott, Dyan H. »The Corrupter of Boys: Sodomy, Scandal, and the Medieval Clergy.« Notches (November 10, 2020).

[Info] Elliott, Dyan. The Corrupter of Boys: Sodomy, Scandal, and the Medieval Clergy. Philadelphia 2020.

[Info] Forschungsverbund ForuM, ed. Forschung zur Aufarbeitung von sexualisierter Gewalt und anderen Missbrauchsformen in der Evangelischen Kirche und Diakonie in Deutschland. Hannover 2024.

[Info] House, Alyssa. »Women and Violence in Late Medieval Europe.« The Mirror 44 (2024): 130-139.

[Info] Ilkmen, Nisan. »Patriarchy, virginity, and hegemonic masculinity in the Turkish film Iffet (1982): A psychoanalytic film review.« Turkish Studies (March 31, 2024).

[Info] Khanom, Roxana. »Exploring Domestic Violence and Child Abuse in Select Novels of Toni Morrison.« BL College Journal 5 (2023): 81-91.

[Info] Lucier-Greer, Mallory, et al. »Trends in the Annual Incidence Rates of Child Sexual Abuse and Child Maltreatment over the Past 25 Years in the United States.« Child Abuse Review (April 3, 2024).

[Info] Pető, Andrea, et al. »Nationalism, Pronatalism, and the Guild of Gynecology: The Complex Legacy of Abortion Regulation in Hungary.« Central European History (April 2, 2024).

[Info] Pierstorff, Cornelia. »Enough is enough: Hydrologie der Gewalt in Karen Duves ”Regenroman”.« Bildbruch 6 (2024): 89-107.

[Info] Rinser, Laura. Zwischen „Katholizismus“ und „Sozialismus“: (Sexualisierte) Gewalt an Minderjährigen durch katholische Kleriker in Mecklenburg in der Zeit von 1946-1989. Dissertation, Universität Ulm, 2023.

[Info] Santos, Eduardo M., et al. »Medical science and pedophilia: Knowledge, discourses, and representations of pedophilia in medical books from 1910 to 1990 in a Brazilian public library.« Children and Youth Services Review (March 31, 2024).

[Info] Sawyer, Katherine. »Sexual Violence Against Men in Civil Conflict.« Political Research Quarterly (March 31, 2024).

[Info] Severs, George J. »Male rape: survivors, support and the law in late twentieth-century England and Wales.« History Workshop Journal (April 11, 2024).

[Info] Smith, Zoe. »‘A Prisoner on the Rack’: Marital Rape, Consent, and the Gothic in Late-Nineteenth-Century Colonial Women’s Writings.« Australian Feminist Studies (February 21, 2024).

[Info] ter Heide, Jackie J. De vlieg, de spin en het universum: Essays over vergeten getroffenen. 2024.

[Info] ter Heide, Jacky J. The Fly, the Spider, and the Universe: Essays on Forgotten Victims. 2024.

[Info] Tripathi, Nirupama. »Psychology of Sexual Desire with Reference to Ancient Indian Sanskrit Texts.« Psychology of Sexuality & Mental Health Vol. 1. Edited by Naveen Pant. Singapore 2024: 73-101.

2. Speaker Index

[Info] de Morrée, Cécile. »Coercion and Consent: Sexual Violence and Female Empowerment in Medieval Dutch and French Song Texts.« 59th International Congress on Medieval Studies Kalamazoo 2024.

[Info] Dittmer, Kendra. »The Legacy of Chaucer in Modern Discourses of Sexual Assault.« 59th International Congress on Medieval Studies Kalamazoo 2024.

II. R e v i s e d   E n t r i e s

1. Author Index

[Info] Krimmer, Elisabeth, et al., eds. German #MeToo: Rape Cultures and Resistance, 1770-2020. Rochester 2022.

[Info] McCrystal, Erica. Gotham City Living: The Social Dynamics in the Batman Comics and Media. London 2021.

[Info] Waterhouse-Watson, Deb. Football and Sexual Crime, from the Courtroom to the Newsroom: Transforming Narratives. Cham 2019.

[Info] Tranchese, Alessia. From Fritzl to #metoo: Twelve Years of Rape Coverage in the British Press. Cham 2023.

2. Speaker Index


III. N e w   S u b d i r e c t o r i e s

1. Geographical Index

Asian History: Saudi Arabian History

2. Topical Index

Cases: Fictional Offenders: Harry, Lanseloet; Fictional Victims: Martina, Sanderijn; Real Incidents: German Association of Guides and Scouts Sexual Abuse Cases; Real Offenders: Günter Abramzik, Majak Daw, Blake Ferguson, Andrew Lovett, Stephen Milne, Brett Stewart; Representations: Films: İffet; Literary Texts: Ada Cambridge, Lanseloet van Denemerken, Louisa Lawson, Rosa Praed; Press: Arab News, Global Times, The Myanmar Times